Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Lucky Am I

He may not be the prince charming every little girl dreams of, but I love my boyfriend with all of my heart and soul. Sure he can be arrogant and cruel sometimes, but I see past it. All I see is the most amazing guy I have ever met. He stands by me through everything. He's not just my boyfriend, he's also my best friend. He's my rock. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Best Friend Bull

"Hey best friend, wanna hang out after school? Hello? Oh, that's right, I forgot! You have a boyfriend now! I no longer exist!!!" Yes, it's official. My best friend in the whole world has a new boyfriend! Yippee!!! NOT!!!!!! Now that the little boy toy is in the picture I'm off the map. One thing I should probably mention so there's no confusion is that my best friend is a guy. He's bi. This is his first boyfriend. From the first second they met each other, they knew it was "meant to be." *insert eye roll here* They went on their first date about a week ago and ever since they've become completely OBSESSED with each other!!! My so-called "best friend" hasn't spoken to me in 3 days. I went home sick from school. He didn't bother to ask if I was okay. He's been too busy posting Facebook statuses about how much he LOOOOOVES his new boyfriend. IT'S DISGUSTING!!! At first I was happy for him. Now I hope his boyfriend moves to Antarctica!!!!! I have a boyfriend and I can balance him with the rest of my friends. My friend obviously can NOT. This isn't the first time he's pushed me to the side over a crush. He started dating a girl about half a year ago and it was the same deal. When is it going to end? I just want my friend back, and now I'm losing him to a guy he met 2 WEEKS AGO!!! It sucks only being #1 until something better comes along.